London has been suggested as an alternative to Las Vegas by a British gambler.


It’s no surprise that London has more official casinos than any other major city. The British Gambler study shows just how much of an addiction to gambling many people in this country have become, with six out every ten adults admitting they’re addicted!

The Big Smoke may be home to 53 registered casinos, but it’s no match for Macau which boasts 41 casino in total. This Portuguese territory takes second place on British Gambler’s list of “Less Vegas” destinations thanks mostly due its large number and popularity among gamblers looking outside normal gambling hubs like Las Vegas or Florida; they prefer something more authentic with less distractions – meaning you can find games such as roulette here too!

The website ranked nine alternatives to Las Vegas, which it defined according the following standards: weather and online popularity. It also took into account cost for accommodation as well beer prices in each city’s bars/breweries (since this is an important part of any trip!).

Unsurprisingly, London came in eighth for weather. With an average temperature nearly two degrees lower than Amsterdam and one less day of precipitation each year it managed only just below last place by sheer good fortune!
The Big Smoke may be a city known mostly for its muggy summers but we were glad you found this article about how your home country performs when judged on Outsunny’s Global rankings — we think they are pretty awesome too 🙂

London’s weather in September was unusual for the country, with an average temperature close to 30 degrees Celsius. This may be too warm for some people who are used only having cold winters and cool summers!

The cost of accommodation in London also lost out, as did the average price for beer. Fifth and seventh respectively they were with respect to these two metrics.

In a recent study, it was found that London’s Instagram posts had more followers than other cities around the world. This is no surprise considering their high monthly search volume and popularity among others in similar rankings for this criteria!

British Gambler calculated the price of travel based on flights from Heathrow, but it is also worth noting that this was done in London’s favor because they have an airport with more service options.

London’s bid to be named the best city in Europe failed when it came down decisions between Macau and Puerto Rico. Despite having more tourists, London lost out on first place overall because of high costs for accommodation as well cold weather during winter months that deterred visitors from coming here; however this isn’t enough reason alone why we didn’t make top three!

Casino Review London has been suggested as an alternative to Las Vegas by a British gambler.

It’s no surprise that London has more official casinos than any other major city. The British Gambler study shows just how much of an addiction to gambling many people in this country have become, with six out every ten adults admitting they’re

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